Saturday, March 30, 2013


This is the last week before he goes overseas and I have one more day left with him. Tonight is packing night. Earlier this week I felt a sadness looming over the house as he finally got confirmation of his fight time. It was finally real, it is going to happen, he is deploying.

I suppose I have been yanked off that puffy cloud of delusion and am now firmly planted back on the ground in reality. It's hard to think that I'll soon be dealing with all the things around the house and anything and everything related to our family.  It's hard to imagine I'll have to hold down the fort for so long, but I've done it before and I can do it again, just this time things are a bit different having a family and all. At least this time I'll be able to spend some of it with family instead of being far away on an island.

I have a lot I want to accomplish during this time and I hope that I actually stick to my goals for each month. April is train the dog and make some decor for the baby's room. I have no idea how this deployment will go as last time I was quite occupied with work and running, but this time I don't have those things. I hope it goes as fast as it seemed to last time. All I know is this time next year I plan on having had my baby, slimmed back down, learned and practiced how to sew clothing, learn to play guitar (more than last time), and should be training to run another half marathon.

So here's to staying safe, reaching goals, and finding my inner strength. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Not much to say except I'm eating too much chocolate!

My trip to see family is nearly complete and I'm ready to go back I suppose. Things went well this time, much better than the last time we visited for a week (over Christmas). This time we were able to use an air mattress for our little one and that has made all the difference in his sleeping. Thank God. Christmas was a bit of a nightmare and the other time we visited since then was only a few nights and his birthday so he was happy then too, but his stay in the pack-n-play was still not well received. Now it looks like we're done with pack-n-plays and onto the big boy bed for good. Yay!

Still no word on deployment dates...hopefully we'll find out something soon.

This trip I have managed to gorge myself on chocolate. Between a plate of sugar cookies I bought, no bake cookies mom made, chocolate covered cream filled doughnuts, chocolate milke, and chocolate chips in my trail mix, I've eaten enough chocolate to last me for the next month!  Still, I can't help by enjoy every bite. I think I've nearly chocolated myself out though since I'm kinda thinking about needing more savory foods now.

I also managed to arrange some family/maternity photos while here and they turned out great. I am looking forward to seeing the finished product and print some. I've never been one to really enjoy looking at my huge belly, but the shots turned out pretty good.

As I said before I'm sure my blog will heat up a bit as I find myself once again at home with a deployed husband, so for now I'm sure they're rather bland, but we'll see how things go in the next couple weeks.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

It's been a LONG time!

Well, obviously I haven't posted anything in AGES and am clearly slacking as I'm sure my oodles of readers can attest. Things have been busy and quite honestly I haven't had much time to post anything. However, I have made some progress today as I am currently typing away until my little boy wakes from his nap.

Recently, I have managed to get the painting done in the nursery and I just need to find some things to add some decorating touches. I have located a pretty mobile that I intend to buy (customized of course so that it will match my perfectly planned out color scheme) despite it being rather pricy, but it will hang from the ceiling and look fabulous I'm sure. My sons bedroom is now complete with a bed and train table which I moved (while managing to seriously smash one of my fingernails in the process) into his room last week. Now I can finally move the crib out and focus on just having the bed in there. Thank God I can get the crib out before hubby deploys so I don't have to do it all by myself...despite the fact that I was the one to put it together in the first place so I am capable.

Preparations are underway for the impending deployment and I am getting things situated to make the most of the last bit of time before he leaves and before I have to do everything on my own. Still not 100% sure of the date, but we know it will be one of two dates. Regardless it will be in a few weeks at the latest so we're preparing.  When the day finally comes you can be certain that I will be blogging everyday!

Well, my little guy is up and jiggling the door handle, a sure sign he's ready to get out of the bedroom. Luckily he hasn't figured out how to open it yet!  Until next time!