Monday, March 18, 2013

Not much to say except I'm eating too much chocolate!

My trip to see family is nearly complete and I'm ready to go back I suppose. Things went well this time, much better than the last time we visited for a week (over Christmas). This time we were able to use an air mattress for our little one and that has made all the difference in his sleeping. Thank God. Christmas was a bit of a nightmare and the other time we visited since then was only a few nights and his birthday so he was happy then too, but his stay in the pack-n-play was still not well received. Now it looks like we're done with pack-n-plays and onto the big boy bed for good. Yay!

Still no word on deployment dates...hopefully we'll find out something soon.

This trip I have managed to gorge myself on chocolate. Between a plate of sugar cookies I bought, no bake cookies mom made, chocolate covered cream filled doughnuts, chocolate milke, and chocolate chips in my trail mix, I've eaten enough chocolate to last me for the next month!  Still, I can't help by enjoy every bite. I think I've nearly chocolated myself out though since I'm kinda thinking about needing more savory foods now.

I also managed to arrange some family/maternity photos while here and they turned out great. I am looking forward to seeing the finished product and print some. I've never been one to really enjoy looking at my huge belly, but the shots turned out pretty good.

As I said before I'm sure my blog will heat up a bit as I find myself once again at home with a deployed husband, so for now I'm sure they're rather bland, but we'll see how things go in the next couple weeks.

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