Saturday, April 20, 2013


Ok, so I have a confession to make. For the past 30 minutes I've been sitting at my computer looking up nothing important while eating about 5 apricots and about 1/8 cup of frosting...maybe a 1/4 cup!  I can't seem to stop my sweet tooth and I bought a can of frosting for a recipe I wanted to make a few weeks ago (it was a HUGE hit by the way) and frosting was part of a filling I needed. I didn't use the whole can and instead of wasting it I thought, what can I eat it with because I'm out of chocolate! I managed to find some dried apricots and low and behold I had a horribly sweet and oh so tasty snack. I even thought about making pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream for dinner!  I feel like I need a chaperone in my house to make sure that I don't eat or bake sugary things every second. I bet this girl's gonna love sweets when she gets older. She'll have a long way to go before her lips ever taste a swiss cake roll or candy, but man is she making me crave them. Of course, last time it was cottage cheese, this pregnancy it's chocolate and sweets. Great...add those pounds to my butt. Luckily, my butt has not reached max capacity for my jeans, but still. I'm going to have to post photos of really buff people all over my cabinet doors to keep the guilt up so I don't overload on sugar. Hmm.

Anyway, I've been reading about having a natural birth and after having read loads of books with my first pregnancy, I've decided to focus on natural birth, rather than birth in general, for my second pregnancy. Lets just hope that this birth goes as well as the first did! I should probably be reading that now instead of sitting on the computer, but I'll read it after I finish this post I guess. Back to the topic. So, I've been enlightened about the world of natural birth and how medicine and doctors took over the birthing scene in the 1900's and eventually a revival of natural birth and education about birth came about in the 1960's. I was inspired to have a natural birth after knowing that my mom had natural births with me and my sister and how so many people thought it was impressive (and crazy) that a woman would willing put herself through that pain. Honestly, I find the pain of birth and giving birth naturally a write of passage into the parenting world and far worth it than getting an epidural. No needles in my spine please and I'd like to feel my body. Not only that, but a woman's body was made for this.  It's what we're supposed to do...have kids. Since we've been on this planet we've been able to do it naturally. Why mess with mother nature?  So, my quest to find a doctor was supposedly over since I found a practice that had midwives and it was covered on my insurance...until I found out the midwives relocated to their own practice which is no covered by my insurance. :(  Needless to say, I was feeling a little worried considering that in two weeks I will need to find a new doctor and see them in 3weeks!  After some digging and asking around I may have found three doctors I'm willing to work with and that will deliver at the hospital I want to have the baby at. I guess when you're in the military you just get used to "here's your provider" and go with whoever you get..unless you really dislike them and decide to switch. But in the "civilian" world you get to choose who you want and be a bit more selective. Sadly, I really like the midwife I have now, but since I'll be relocating to have the baby I'll need a new doctor/midwife. Here's hoping I can find someone! Monday will be the day of phone calls and questions! I also have to find a pediatrician...that is one thing I'm happy about as my last option with the military wasn't the greatest for my son.

Anyway, all that aside, things are moving fast...I'll be moving, the due date is approaching, my husband is gone, but will be back for R&R in a couple months and I'll be with my family and will have a lot more support very shortly, and I have so much to do before I relocate. Not only do I need to clean house, I need to pack up a TON of stuff for a garage sale and rent a trailer to put it all in, do a few crafty things for the nursery, and find a doctor. I have to say I welcome this craziness because with it comes distraction and I'm so distracted with everything else I have little time to think about the loneliness. Here's hoping that it stays at bay for many months to come. Hmmm, no more frosting...what else do I have that's sweet??? Just kidding!  : )

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