It takes some getting used to...having a deployed spouse. There's the obvious depressing thought that they're so far away and will be for a long time, but one thing that seems to be hard to do is start a routine and eat healthier.
Yesterday I polished off the last of the Somoas and half the thin mints I got on Monday! I seem to be suffering from lazy mom syndrome. I don't feel like thawing meet, after finding some recipe in a wild game cookbook, and making a fancy lunch or dinner. Lunch yesterday was a turkey sandwich and some steamed veggies with the girl scout cookies. My son had fruit instead of cookies and seasoned chicken breast instead of the sandwich (he still hasn't grasped the concept of a sandwich is supposed to have two pieces of bread with something in the always gets taken apart). Dinner was an easy frozen garlic chicken and veggies with pasta bag that I cooked in a skillet and dumped into a bowl. While it is quite tasty and I do have left overs I feel bad not taking the time and effort to cook a meal from scratch. Perhaps the need to go to the grocery store and actually buy the ingredients I need to make nice meals is deterring me since it's a wet mess outside.
While days like this make me want to stay in and not do a darn thing, I know i need to get out and buy the lizard and salamander their food as well since I'm out. To be honest, I'd rather curl up in a chair (with an abundance of pillows to support that ever growing belly) and some hot chocolate and read a book or watch mind numbing tv. I've got a case of being lazy and i need to shake it! I did get some cleaning done yesterday and today so that was at least something productive. I also managed to finish some frames I'm putting in the babies room...also productive, but the food...I just don't feel like cooking. I think maybe it's the constant dishes to clean. I HATE cleaning dishes, but I also HATE having a pile of them in the sink. Thank God for my dish washer; which helps but can't do all my dishes. I think what I need is just to get a weeks worth of meals planned out and stick to it. Dishes or not, I need to get my butt in gear and make some healthy meals and not rely on quick simple meals for me. At least my son always eats healthy..I take the time to make his lunches and we eat the same dinners usually. Right, I think I'll be finishing the rest of the thin mints, then try to start over with good wholesome foods and really try to be healthier. I've had a few days of eating a lot of crap...time to get in gear! The more crap I eat now, the fatter I become and lord knows I don't want to get too big since I have to work it all off after the baby gets here! Right...time to go find some healthy meals for the week!