Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A good weekend...short and sweet

This weekend was presidents day and we packed up the car and headed home to see our families and celebrate our sons birthday. While spending our time at home I managed to eat Chipotle...one of my favorite places to eat, go shopping for our soon to be daughter, and have a great time at the birthday party.

Still no news on the deployment dates and to be honest I'm not sure if I'd rather know or not know. Knowing gives me the chance to start planning for the move, figure out what I need to get done, and prepare emotionally for his absence, but not knowing means it's still a little ways away and I don't have to pin a date on the first day I'll be alone again.

Today I did manage to get a hose for our washing mashing which decided to pour water all over the corner kitchen floor and seep into our basement. Luckily we noticed the dripping in the basement and managed to locate it's source and stop the leak right before leaving on Friday. I also managed to woof down the last of the cake from the party. Man, if I'm a sucker for something, it's cake! What is it about the delectable moist cake and icing combo that makes me drool like a St. Bernard staring at a pole of dog food. Ok, maybe not that bad, but still I may have a cake addition.  

Now my next big task is picking paint colors for our daughters room. Still haven't found the perfect color yet, but I think I'm getting close. Oddly enough I'm going with a blue room...not your traditional girls room, but it will have white and butterflies with a splash of color here and there and I can't wait to get it all set up. One thing I've always enjoyed is decorating. I tend to have a lot of ideas, but unfortunately I don't always have the motivation to get it all done in a timely manner. And speaking of timely manners or using my time wisely, I need to get off here and get some things done! 

Seems like I'm always doing something even when I want to do nothing!

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