Monday, February 25, 2013

Puffy clouds of delusion

This weekend was good. A birthday party, warm weather and time to play outside, and cleaned up some things I've been meaning to clean for ages. The deck is now up and operational again after the small fire that burned a hole in it and the siding has been replaced. So, all and all it's been a good past few days.

Today I got started by taking the dog to the vet and luckily my son was fine with the visit as well as our trip to the commissary (all except the last 5 minutes).  Sadly though, he fell asleep in the car (adorable) and then decided a 15-20 min nap was all he needed and has recently become angry at the world. So, time for another nap...and since the sun has been covered by the clouds, thus providing great lighting (or lack thereof) in his room, I'm hoping he decides to take a power nap to recharge and turn back into that cute, sweet little boy I know.

This week I have a list started of tasks to do before the deployment (which we still don't have a date for). It ranges from the everyday things like cleaning the house to other things like insurance stuff. My latest preoccupation is of painting my soon to be daughters room. Oddly enough I've decided on blue paint (for the bottom half, white for the top) and I rather like the way it's turning out so far. Granted I've only painted blotches on the wall of the blue, but I have the white coat on and one more to go before I'm satisfied so I can get an idea of what it will look like. I'm dreading painting the woodwork though. What a pain in the butt. But at least I'll have it done soon and will be able to decorate and go mad with purchasing things I may or may not need for the room. This is what happens when you never got a chance to do the nursery for the first that I own my home I can paint it whatever color I want and do whatever I want to it...and I am.

I am still pretty laid back about the impending deployment. Mostly due to the fact that I don't have a date that I have the dreaded countdown started for. So until I get that date I can float around on my puffy cloud of delusion and think all is well in the world. I do know that "shits gonna get real" here soon and I'll be off my cloud and into a puddle of mud in no time, but knowing that I'll soon be living with family and spending my days with yet another tiny bundle of joy does lighten the mood. I know it's going to be chaos when I get back to life in my house, but until then I can enjoy the help of family and the joy of my newborn (lets not forget the joys of no sleep...maybe I can coordinate my dogs wanting out at 2am with a nighttime feeding???).  Anyway, life is good now and until I get that dreaded date and have to actually hop off my puffy cloud I'll be happy to live in a delusional world of bliss. Now if only that world included self cleaning houses and husbands who could keep the kitchen and bathroom sinks clean. Until tomorrow world!

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