Monday, February 11, 2013

Decisions decisions

This past week has had a lot of ups and downs and I am finally getting to the point where I need to start preparing for the next few months. This deployment will be a whole new ballgame and I have a lot to do before he leaves. Most importantly I have decided to move home for a few months into the summer. It took awhile and a lot of talking to everyone to figure out what was best and in the end, moving home seemed to be the most logical option. Luckily I have amazing parents who wouldn't mind having their 30 year old daughter, her toddler, newborn, and dog stay with them.

Now not only do I have to figure out what to do for a new doctor and hospital or the birth, I have to figure out who is going to mow the lawn this summer, what to move back with me and what to leave, when to paint the baby's room, where to contact my husband, who his boss is and his contact info, the FRG leaders info, and may more things that go along with a deployment. I've never moved for a deployment, but seeing as I'll be giving birth during it, I figure it's best to be with family (and someone who can drive me and help me at the hospital in case my husband isn't there). 

It's a crazy world us military spouses live in. Today, my husband came home for lunch with boxes of new military garb that he will need in Afghanistan. Just more stuff to add to the never ending pile (or foot lockers and boxes) of military stuff. Luckily we have a basement and I fully intend to use it! It does make it all the more real to see him putting his newly issued things together and getting them ready for the deployment. I had a year long deployment by myself thousands of miles away from family once before and never had to move, but this deployment is much more of a challenge for not only myself, but my children (and that includes the dogs). I will learn the true meaning of independence as the year goes on. I have delt with deployment before and it sucked, but it was no where near as bad as I thought it would be, but I had no children, one dog, and a job. Not to mention I decided it would be a great time to take guitar lessons (something I plan to do this deployment as well) and started running.

This year will be a challenge, but I'm diving in head first and we'll see how well it goes.

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