Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Things getting back to normal, before being not normal again

Hubs finally got in at 1:30am, Monday morning and the dogs decided it was time for me to get up as they barked when they heard him. I did manage to get to the dress rental shop yesterday only to find zip in the maternity size and to be honest, not much in regular sizes either.  The selection was mainly a bunch of large sized mom-style dresses, smaller ones that looked like they could have been from the 90's, and the nice ones were mostly rather worn because they were the nice ones that everyone rented. There wasn't really anything for me to try on, so I became the one who dishes out her opinion on the dresses my friends tried on. I did enjoy just spending time with my friends though. My friend Sonia did find quite a nice dress so her total cost for this event will be much less than mine (given my dress gets here!!).  It's Tuesday and still no dress. I'm a bit insistent on getting more info from the company, but they've not been must help as of late. It does say my order is being shipped, so lets hope that it at least gets here by Thursday so I can attempt to avoid the nicely wrinkled too long or short look. I hate ordering dresses online.

Anyway, no news yet on the deployment, but from a conversation I had last night it does seem entirely possible that he may be here for a month and leave again. NOT happy. So, hopefully he gets home today with some less than excruciating news about how they won't send him in March.  Until 5:30 I must wait. One good thing about the day is I now have my two necklaces that I can choose from to go with my currently nonexistent dress and I'll be meeting up with my friends yet again for dinner. I suppose I better get all the me time in a can in the next month if I end up being here without hubby next month! And if I do find out March is the month for his departure, I may have to console myself with a nice long john doughnut.Guess there's not much I can do at this point other than attempt to enjoy the day while waiting for more info...and a tasty dinner. Think I might make a pesto chicken sandwich while I wait (which I made the other day and it was to die for!) and perhaps vegetate on the sofa until the little one wakes. Here's to another day of positive attitude and not knowing anything else. Clarification is on the horizon...good or bad.

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