Saturday, February 9, 2013

Oh what a night...

Yesterday I waited patiently, but not holding my breath for my dress to come. It didn't. I called the post office only to find out it would arrive on Saturday, the day AFTER the ball and I'm sure it will be here shortly as the mail usually comes in 1/2 hour.  The stress began when I knew it wasn't coming, but my hubby tried to help by asking if any spouses might have a dress I could borrow. Low and behold one person then the race was on to figure out how to get said dress and get my hair and makeup done in time to get back by 5:30 and leave for the ball. I picked up the dress and saw that it was rather informal and thought it would go with none of my jewelery, but what the hell I have tickets to this ball and a hair apt in 5 min, I'm going now fancy dress or no. So I took the dress and went to get my hair done. Luckily, I had just enough time before all this to drop off my son, who didn't seem the slightest bit interested in lunch and made me get off to a late start to the sitters.

Since my dress didn't come in I had pretty much sat on my butt all morning and not thought to paint my toenails (a must for someone who would have worn open toed shoes to a ball) nor did I paint my fingernails. Now, you may not think this is a big deal, but I had month old toenail polish on and peeling clear polish on my fingers. Not quite what I was hoping to sport at a ball. So, after getting the dress and showing it to my friend I was meeting to have our hair done together, she decided that it was time to offer me a black dress that was shorter (below the knee) than the typical ball gown, but would be more fancy, so I followed her after we had out hair done and grabbed the dress (along with another she thought might work). Thankfully it worked and I got to sport my baby bump accommodating dress, some nice high heels, and the pretty jewelry I had as well as a nice hair do and I did my own makeup. All and all the night worked out nicely, but the day was a mess! 

Upon arriving at the ball I managed to find 4 people wearing the dress I ordered! One was the exact dress, same color, another was teal, one was plum, and the other was black, but with a slightly different fabric to the dress, but the lace was the same and the cut.  So in the end I guess maybe it's a good thing I didn't become the 5th member of the wear the same dress party, but I have to say it was a nice dress and oddly none of the women seemed to be pregnant. Perhaps they were all post baby bump??  Anyway, I managed to have a good night and eat lots of food while thinking in my head that that woman who didn't deliver my dress sucks because it would have looked great on me. I was happy that I got to wear the dress I did though because it was comfortable (and pretty) and that is a big deal when you're pregnant and need some room to breathe when you sit!

They even had a bald eagle (a live one with handler and all) posing for photos with you. Sadly we missed out on this photo op, but it was pretty nifty. It made a few calls while posing, but other than that it was pretty statuesque. Personally I would have been more impressed with a golden eagle as those are my favorite raptor, but the bald eagle is the symbol of the division, so it's kinda a key figure and an appropriate bird to have for photo ops if you're going for that sort of thing. On a side note, our son had a great time at the sitters and didn't have any problem getting woken up, transported home, and put back to bed at 11pm.

Much to my delight, my hair is still nice and curly after sleeping on it and that is a massive feat as my hair is long and never holds curl for too long. Must be some good product she used! I do believe I will enjoy my curly hair for one more day and then wash it tonight when I'm sure most of the curl will have left.

Other than enjoying my evening, this weekend is shaping up to be a good one. Today we find out if we're having a boy or girl, then I get to stuff my face with chocolate at a chocolate fair. Can't wait!  Who doesn't love chocolate? I mean really...   Tomorrow will be a fix the deck that my husband burnt a hole in and hopefully figure out where to get the siding we need, then buy mattresses for our son who will be graduating to the "big boy bed."  Not to mention talking with mom and dad to tell them the baby news and determine just where I will be living come late spring through the summer (a decision that will have to be made soon and with the help of my family and my husbands). All and all this is shaping up to be a good weekend. Looking forward to all the good things to come today!

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