Sunday, February 3, 2013

Today was a boring day.

Despite the fact that the almighty Super Bowl was on (which I didn't watch any of except a few min of halftime before I decided it sucked) my day was pretty uneventful.

While I had expected to see my hubby today, he did not come home and is not due to until close to 2am. I spent the day trying to figure out what to do with myself as I had cleaned all but the tub in the lower master suite since I figured I had some paw washing I would be doing and would thus make it a muddy mess again. Much to my surprise I didn't have to wash any paws today!!!

I did get a phone call though, and managed to find a little more info about my future...but nothing concrete and not dates of anything. Not sure I'm going to like it when I do get all the info, but for now, I'll wait until Tuesday to find out anything since that's when we should know. 

I do know that tomorrow I have a chance to get some things done and believe me, I plan on getting somethings done...go to the mall to have my makeup tested for Friday or maybe go to a dress rental place to see if I can find a backup dress in case my dress doesn't come in. Maybe I'll just go to the store and buy some birthday presents for my little guy and pick up that chocolate covered, cream filled donuts I've been craving for weeks. There does happen to be a Dunkin Donuts right across from Walmart....if I can't find one at Walmart I can find one there! Maybe I can even buy a bed for my little guy and get him started on the path to the "big boy" bed and eventually potty training!  Oh what a joy it would be to have him potty trained before the next baby gets here!  We'll see. For now I'll just be happy to get him into a regular bed.

Anyway, tomorrow is another day and I like this positive attitude I've had and hope that I can keep it going!  We'll see how it goes when Tuesday gets here.

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