Friday, February 1, 2013

Is the glass half empty or half full?

When the winds of change come your way, you can embrace it or fight it. While I have many changes in my future, I hope that I can embrace those changes and learn from them. I am fortunate in many ways others are not, and I am unlucky in ways some are not. Either way you look at it we all have challenges to face and it's the way we face them that makes us who we are and makes us strong or weak.

I'm not what I would call a strong person when we comes to emotions such as keeping my cool or expressing my frustrations. I tend to bottle things inside and hold it in until I can't take it any longer. I have come to realize that that is one way of dealing with it and likely one way to eventually cause a major blowout when I should be searching for a way to solve the problem rather than exacerbate it.  I have watched my friends create their lives, be it traveling to far off lands, moving to other states and pursuing their dream, moving to other states and deciding that their dream is getting old and they need something else, or staying local and creating a family, even though it may not have been the timing they preferred. All and all you never know what your life will bring, but I've come to realize that it is what you make of it and you have to be strong and fight for what you want.

I am a military wife, I move when they say move, I find a job where they say I'm going to live, and I have children whether or not my husband can be there. It's not easy and often not fun, but I have realized that you have to attempt to embrace this life if you are going to make it. I will not always have this life and I do not always enjoy this life, but for now I can express my concerns to my husband, but my concerns will only be able to be resolved by him if they are on a more personal level because there's little he can do when the Army says jump, you jump.

I have a lot to discuss with my husband when he comes home and there will be a lot of decisions to be made when the Army decides to tell us what's going to happen in the next 6 months.  Things may get ugly, but at this point we are where we are and as a wife there's not much I can do short of complain to my husband, friends, and family. 

Throughout my life I've had a "glass is half empty" kind of attitude and I try to help myself by expecting the worst that way I can be surprised when I don't get the worst. However, I feel that sometimes this approach backfires, but it has helped me get through a few tough situations with deployments and such.

I think the best thing to do is to plan to the best of your ability, keep a positive attitude, and do everything in your power to get the things you want in life or time will pass you by and you'll be left wondering where it went. I have somethings I want, there are things I want to do, goals I have in mind, and soon I will set things in motion to get my life going on a track that will get me to a place where I want to be. Here's to keeping a positive attitude about everything and keeping an open thing that is very useful as a military spouse.

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