Thursday, January 17, 2013

A positive outlook and a great day with my boy.

I've had a rather boring day today, but I had a wonderful time watching my little boy smile, laugh, play with his toys, smear peanut butter all over his face, and leave a trail of note cards all over the house.

As a parent some days I just have to simply sit back and admire the wonderful gift that my child is. At times I try to think about things through his eyes. My eyes just see the train table as the same couple of loops that just keep going and going and the blanket on the rocking horse isn't nearly as exciting to put on it again and again, but to him it's a smile on his face and a laugh that is infectious.  It's days like these that remind me why life is so precious and why I am happy to have another child to care for.

Yes, I wish my body wasn't about to be stretched beyond comprehension and yes I would like to lay on my stomach or my back safely, go running (as fast as I used to), and even be able to do sit ups, but when I feel that kick, the flutter inside me I am reminded that in the end it will all be worth it.  Granted I may want to pull my hair out when I have a toddler that is screaming for my attention while I'm trying to feed a newborn and get the baby to sleep, but somehow I'll make it.

I guess today I'm just thinking about the future. Sure there will be some things I need to address and some discussions that need to be had, but I have a positive outlook on the world today. And with that positive outlook, I think I'm going to go to bed and try to sleep in...if my dogs will let me (which they didn't want me to lay in bed past 7:15am this morning despite the fact that my son didn't wake until 8:30!).  Good night world, until tomorrow.

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