Thursday, January 24, 2013

Nothing much but hoping for good news

Help! I'm a Military Spouse--I Want a Life Too!: How to Craft a Life for YOU as You Move with the Military...this is the book a fellow military wife told me about today.  And seeing as I can buy a used copy for less than $4 with shipping I thought what the heck. Most of it is stuff I think I can probably figure out or maybe I already know, but might need a reminder of and some of it doesn't apply (like getting a job since I'm staying at home until my babies are in kindergarten). While I think I may have cooled down a bit after a rather unhappy morning and afternoon yesterday, I am still dead set on my plan of action.

 I have found some things that I believe will help me get some me time and learn a skill I've been interested in for a while. Now if only I wasn't expecting to get huge and not have space on my lap for a guitar or I'd get guitar lessons. That will be the goal after I have this baby, take guitar lessons....then get famous by singing and playing my own songs. A girl can dream!

 After thinking about what might happen in the months to come, I thought, why not look to see what might be rentable back home in case I wanted to go home and be close to family during the deployment.  Sadly, I don't know it if will work with my husbands financial plan and it gives me all the more strength to stand up for what I want.  I just don't know how I will manage to stay sane during a 9+ month deployment. I've been through the year long deployment, but not with three dogs and two children (one being a newborn)!  I was able to start running and taking my dog with me and rowing a lot and that helped, not to mention I had a job to keep me busy. This time around I would have no job and no way of going running unless I managed to get a sitter nearly everyday (and that won't be cheap).
  So, I guess I have a lot to think about and none of it I can think about now because I don't know what is going to happen until at least this weekend when he might get some news. 

Being in the military has some benifits, but when it comes to family we are never top priority, despite the military's attempts to say that they want to be more family friendly.  Soldiers have to consider the family as well as the military has to consider the soldiers and their families. I have seen many men leave their families for deployments and I have seen a father cry as he had to leave his newborn child for a year. So much happens in that first year of life and I can't imagine missing that. I think that in my mind I see the families that have great fathers that don't have to worry about going away and don't have month long training or 9 month or one year deployments and I wish I could have that. One day I will

Here's to hoping I get good news this weekend.

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