Saturday, January 19, 2013

"Let them (me) eat cake"

After a great day...sunny, not too cold, saw other adults including a friend and her kids at the park where my son had a blast playing on slides and swings...I am ready to sit down and eat something amazing, something rich, something covered in frosting.  So I'm eating a cucumber with yogurt ranch dip. Not quite what I had in mind, but seeing as it's 9pm I don't really feel up to baking a cake and waiting to ice it until tomorrow or very late this evening. Perhaps if I had a box of cake mix I could be persuaded, but I'm making a chocolate cake from scratch, so no, I'm going to bake it tomorrow and enjoy the not so sweet, but still satisfying cucumber and dip. Perhaps even a grape tomato or two.

Today's big dilemma was trying to figure out if I should get a bed or a crib for the upcoming baby and my toddler. While I have a wonderful convertible crib and changer, I'd love to get a white one if I have a girl and if not then it doesn't matter, but as for the bed, I'm not sure if my son will stay in it to sleep. I have 7 months before I have to make this decision and get my son used to a new bed or else buy another crib.  Suppose I should talk to my husband first, but I guess we'll see how it goes. I figure he'll go for the cheaper option...that tends to be the way of things.

Alas, my cucumber is no more, I do believe I will get some tomatoes unless I give into temptation and grab a piece of dark chocolate.  No, tomatoes, tomatoes!!! Ok, tomatoes in hand. 

Anyway, I am looking forward to the day my husband comes home...for many reasons, but one big one is to see how well I can shuffle my pregnant self down the street. Luckily I'm still in the second trimester and have some rather form fitting clothes to keep the bounce in check should I need it, but man would I love to go for a run. The music in my ears, wind on my face, and nothing to think about but how far I want to go and how fast I can go.

Damn, out of tomatoes. Well, probably for the best since I don't want to eat too much dip.

Where was I, running, yes, I love the feeling that I'm doing something good for myself, like working off that piece of cake that I will make and eat soon. And I love knowing that I'm able bodied enough to be able to run and enjoy it. I have to say I contribute a lot of my happiness this past year to my running. While it is hard and two half marathons in a month was a challenge, especially when you get the pregnancy fatigue, I was happy to have a running buddy, be in better shape than I have been in ages, feel confident about my ability, and go faster than I had ever. I was starting to feel less self conscious, which is a big feat for me. 

One thing that has got me thinking is that after the baby is born, I have a month or so before turning 30 and while I'm not dreading the big 30, I am thinking about how some things are going to be different when I finally get my body back. Now, I've been married for 5 years and love to go dancing but have only been to clubs a handful of times and I can't help but wonder if I'm getting too old for it?  I can't try out for American Idol, or the Glee project, or pass for anyone younger than 25 I'm sure. I've got (or will have) two kids which makes it hard to get out and go anywhere, but having had them, I feel as though my body has changed and I'm not 100% happy with the end result. There will be plenty of exercise coming this fall and next spring though! Half marathon spring of 2014 here I come! 

I did see something today that got me thinking though. I was on facebook and oddly enough there was an add for boudoir photography close to where I grew up and visit at least twice a year (when I'm close enough...aka not in Hawaii).  So I clicked on it, curious to see where it was located and found it to be quite close to where my parents live/where I stay when I go home. I looked at the blog which showed a few clients photos and a lot of them have kids...and they look freaking amazing!  It did say that those women love to workout and thus have great bodies, but mentioned how several of the women have multiple kids and I thought, "I can do this!" I had boudoir shots taken of me a few years back and would love to do them again...after I've had kids and gotten a decent body back. So, perhaps this too will be on my 2014 list. Now I just have to get the motivation and time to work out religiously!  Perhaps I will eat my fair share of cake now and try to limit my cake in years resolution???  So for now, I will eat cake!

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