Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Short and sweet

After many a night of waking up to calm a crying baby or let out the dogs, I do believe my lack of sleep is catching up with me and it's time for an early start on my sleep this evening. While last night did prove to be a husband's alarm clock tends to have a mind of it's own and go off when it's unplugged and the face is black (this has happened two nights in a row, but not last night) and his other alarm clock which happened to go off at 4:55am this morning because in my frenzy of trying to turn off whatever beeping was going on, I managed to turn that alarm on the night before. So tonight I'm shooting for an alarm free night. Not to mention I had my 16 week doctors appointment today so I had to get up at 6:50am anyway to get breakfast ready and the baby fed and in the car. Sadly, I didn't get any new news about what gender my baby is...I have to wait over a month! But at least everything is going well thus far.

On another note of sleep deprivation, the dogs tend to want to go out at least once a night which has created the silent dance of turning over in my bed so as not to wake them. I find myself trying slowly to turn over so as not to give the dogs any indication that I'm awake and could take them out. Some times my attempts at a quiet turn are futile. However, having been quite firm about taking the dogs out at the last possible moment before bed and trying to be quiet they haven't needed to go out the last couple nights unless they woke when they heard the baby cry and in that case I was up already. With that being said, I'm hoping to go to sleep before 10 and to wake up after 7.  But waking after 8, now that would be a dream come true! 

Last night I had a dream that really had me worked up and I have to say while it wasn't a bad dream (quite the opposite) it had me worked up so that again I couldn't fall asleep right off and instead was awake for 15-20 min just being shocked at what images my mind can conjure up.  Surprisingly, I didn't read Fifty Shades Darker before falling asleep. My mind just knows how to make me smile when I wake and yet taunt me for not finishing it's thoughts.  It's seldom happened that I've been able to get back into a dream no matter how hard I try. So tonight, maybe I'll dream of the ending to my previous nights adventure or perhaps I'll be dreaming of zombies (which oddly enough I did for the first time a couple weeks ago). Who knows. 

Well, all this talk of dreams makes me want to crash into my pillow and wrap up in the softest blanket known to man while my mind happily drifts off into some sweet dream (in theory). Until tomorrow world.

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