Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Aching hips, my poor trashcan, and stripping Vegas!

Not much has happened in the last 24 hours. I managed to live through the tornado watch and howling winds that knocked my poor defenseless trash can over. Luckily all the trash was too scared to attempt an escape and stayed safely secured inside the trash can for the trashman this morning. Had I awoken before he arrived I would have checked on my poor trashcan and uprighted it so it still had it's dignity, but alas I was tucked in my warm bed enjoying the sleep. 

I did however, get one fond reminder of what pregnant life was like before...while enjoying my slumber I was awoken a few times as I usually do to turn over, but this time my typical uneventful turns were joined by that oh so nice aching pain deep in my bones of my hip.  The rain and wind didn't help sing me back to sleep, but I knew when I felt the aching that this was only the beginning. I knew after reading pregnancy books the first time that I would likely have some joint pain, but during my first pregnancy I think that was the worst part of the whole ordeal.

One doesn't normally sleep with 5 pillows all stuffed against and under your body so that you're entrenched in a sea of pillows, but when you have that joyful experience of pregnancy you learn to love your pillows and welcome them happily into your bed, much to your typical pillows envy. I have to say I was not expecting to have this pain so soon, but I know it will soon go from an ache to a wake you up and wish you could take meds for your aches every night kinda pain.  Guess the good thing is that I only have 5 months (aw man...5 months!) left and then it will fade away.

Well, all that aside, I still manage to do all that I did before my pregnancy with the exception of running due to my toddlers absolute refusal to sit in the stroller for an extended period of time...not to mention it's winter and he would likely hate being strapped in the stroller when it's 30 or 40 degrees out. Sunday marks the day my hubby comes home so I may try to take some time that day to try running with my big ol belly...which may no longer fit into most running gear, but we'll see. At least I can go for a walk if need be.  I am starting to have problems lifting somethings as my stomach muscles prepare to get stretched beyond recognition.  Sorry stomach, you just have to suck it up and deal cause we're in this for the long haul. 

I did however find a run that I do believe I will attempt in the future. While looking through some old magazines and ripping out articles I wanted to keep, but will probably totally forget about, I saw an add for a Strip Vegas or some other catchy title with the word STRIP in huge bold print. Basically it's a race in Vegas on the strip in December I believe and I thought, perhaps in a couple years when I'm not feeding my bundle of joy from my body every 2 hours, I might make the trip out there and just do this race. So I ripped out the add and stuck it in a binder as a reminder to myself to look this up. The big question then becomes who do I run with? I love to run and train for half marathons, but I do enjoy having a buddy to run with at least part of it. So we'll see who I can get to send me off and meet me at the finish line if I can't find a running buddy willing to travel. Now, for the past year I've been dreaming of the Disney World half marathon (one of a few of them they have) and I hope that I can one day do that, but I think I'll need to at least make a trip to Disney for a week and actually have the kids with me, which means that will be awhile.  Anyway, for now I'll dream of my running as I stare down at my growing belly and my disappearing feet. Ok, not there yet, but I will be!

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